If you’re having financial difficulties, you might want to think about how filing for bankruptcy can help you get back on track. You won’t have to worry about creditors bothering you after you start the procedure, and you could even be able to keep your personal items. While filing for bankruptcy may seem intimidating to some, enlisting the help of a knowledgeable bankruptcy attorney can put you in excellent hands.
Individuals and corporations alike receive the necessary bankruptcy assistance from us. Our highly skilled attorneys assist debtors in resolving their financial problems by selling distressed assets. After their debtors file for bankruptcy, we also assist lenders, creditors, and creditor committees in recovering their dues. Our bankruptcy attorneys’ areas of expertise include, but are not limited to:
- Filing for personal bankruptcy under Chapter 7, 11, or 13
- Filing for business bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 11
- Reorganization plans
- Litigation in bankruptcy
- Restructuring outside of the courtroom
- Assignees, examiners, receivers, trustees, and buyers of distressed assets and properties are all represented by us.
- Chapter 7 is about a liquidation. A court-appointed trustee liquidates your non-exempt assets and takes other legal steps to try to repay your creditors.
- 11th Chapter. This entails a rearrangement. The process entails reorganizing your existing debt and can be extremely litigation, convoluted, and costly.
- 12th Chapter. This is a reorganization option available solely to “family farmers” and “family fishermen.” Debt limits apply to Chapter 12 bankruptcy.
- 13th Chapter Chapter 13 bankruptcy, also known as a wage earner’s plan, allows people with regular sources of income to create repayment plans that can help them pay off part or all of their obligations. It entails devising repayment plans in which you pay your creditors in installments over a three to five-year period.
At Cardinal Law Center, we recognize that a protracted bankruptcy procedure benefits no one. This is why we work hard to bring each bankruptcy case to a logical conclusion as quickly as feasible. We’ve seen just about every form of bankruptcy and insolvency scenario in our years of experience. The majority of the time, our clients profit from the desired consequences.
Consider contacting with one of our highly skilled attorneys to see if bankruptcy is correct for you, no matter what type of financial difficulties you may be facing. Your initial free consultation can be scheduled online or over the phone.
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